NO Resolution Studio captures the uniqueness of New Orleans, its culture, history and the people who make NOLA such a magical place. Scroll the Crescent City through the eyes of NOREZ. Experience the grit and historic beauty to the city at the mouth of the Mississippi.
An Empty Bottle of Bourbon
Take a stroll down the infamous Bourbon Street during a time when the street was ghostly empty. The bars boarded up and no one could enjoy her vice filled vain.
Corner Markers
Every corner has a story. In New Orleans, we like to make sure you never forget yours and that corner block in which it took place. Check out the corner blocks of the French Quarter. Enjoy their cracks, shadows, color and stains left by those who’ve crossed their path.
The City
People come and go, but deep down inside their soul, they never left. For some it was a trolley ride. For others a night amongst friends and strangers, a connection and feeling that just felt right. Lets relive that first sight of the city and those memorable moments that were lost the next morning but are found again through the lens.
Spaniards in a French Quarter
In this collection, enjoy the Colonial Spanish Architecture within the historical French Quarter. The ironwork, balconies, archways and courtyards. It’s a fairy tale of color and culture and can be felt as soon as you cross the tracks of Canal.